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Klaudia Rogulska
Member ribbon

Exchange form UK

Question asked by Klaudia Rogulska on Aug 10th


I want to go for an exchange to Japan, does this company do year abroad exchanges from the UK to Japan?

1 answers

Laura Last Name Member ribbon

L. F. answered:

September 3rd, 2014

Ive been searching a while now, and it seems as if its pretty hard to become an exchange student if your from the UK.
The Only pssibilitiy ive found now is Rotary.
Rotary does organize Student exchanges also for the UK, but “The Rotary Long Term Exchange programme is what it says, an exchange programme, and in return for hosting a student from the UK we are expected to host a student from that country. Since April 2009 the UK Borders Agency have restricted entry to the UK to a maximum of six months for exchange students attending state maintained schools, and who are not European Union nationals. If you wish to exchange with a country outside of the European Union then the restriction on entry to the UK may mean that an exchange with your chosen country is not possible unless our colleagues in that country have a student wishing to exchange with the UK who holds an EU passport. This restriction does not apply to the Republic of Ireland.”
The odds might not be the best, but not zero.
And maybe youve already found this yourself, but I even leave it here…
Anyway, good Luck !

I'm sorry..

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