Community for high school exchange students and host families.

About Exchange Student World

Meet new friends as an exchange student

After a couple of weeks it is very common to get a culture shock. You might feel miss-suited in your new country and that you don’t belong there. It is usually just a period of your year you will feel like this and it is important that you still try to be friendly and happy anyway.

If you are open and friendly you will as an exchange student get many new friends. People are very interested in you and wants to now more about you. You should therefore not be afraid of talking to new people and ask them questions.

Don’t be scared of calling people if they want to hang out. It is just a way to make them feel interested as well and almost every time they will help you get into the friendship-gangs.

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What to read next:

High School

As an exchange student you will spend most of the time in school. It is very important for you to create as much positive influences in school as possible.

What is an exchange student?

Exchange students are usually students in high school or post-secondary systems of education who leave their home countries to spend anywhere between a few weeks and an entire year within a foreign country.

Longing back

But after a month you will be back to normal, with usual TV-nights or maybe a night with the computer. It is often then, when you are not doing anything, that you long back to your year as an exchange student.

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