Community for high school exchange students and host families.

About Exchange Student World

Traveling with your exchange student

Traveling with your Student can be very exciting! You might want to take them to meet other members of your family. Maybe you want to go on a family vacation. Or possibly they want to travel with a club from school or church. These are all very acceptable activities and are sure to be full of memories. However there are rules.

Rules when travelling

These rules are in general the same from company to company, but remember to check with your local representitive for that companies exact rules.

When your student is traveling with you, in most cases as long as no school is being missed and its under a week you do not need to do anything special. If you plan on them missing school or being gone longer make sure to contact your local representitive and some companies may require you to get permission from the school.

traveling with exchange student

For school and church activities, these almost always must be given the okay by your local representitive, as well as school permission. There must be certain adult to student ratios, and they must provide a detailed itinterary for you so you know where they are at all times.

It is not okay for your student to decide to book a flight to go see another part of the country on their own. They are to be with you. There are however some companies that have special trips for the students that are put on by the companies. These are extra and do cost the student more money. They do however offer the students a chance to see more of the country that you just cant do for them.

As for traveling to another country with your student... This is subject to many things. Some countried require special VISA's for them to travel to them. This you can find out from your local representitive to see if it applies to your student. You also need to inform your local representitive. But in general it will be no problem.

Traveling with your student can be a very rewarding experience for all of you. Even if you travel to some place you have been many times, seeing it through someone elses eyes just might bring a new light to it for you!

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What to read next:

Missing your student

Your student has been gone for maybe only a week possibly longer, and you find yourself missing them in your home. They will always be a part of your life, but there is deffinatly an emptiness now.

First contact

So you contacted your local representitive, picked your student, now the waiting begins for your first contact! This can be a very anxious time for you!


You and your student will have your own set of expectations. They might be similar but they could be completely different.

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